Volume 9, Issue 1
Original Article / Published: November 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.57045/jemis/911121.pp67-72
Т. Kirova, A. Kalaydzhiev, L. Voynov
Department of “Ophtalmology, Otorhinolaryngology and Oral Surgery” Clinic of Ophthalmology, Military Medical Academy, Sofia
Purpose: The aim of the study is to analyze postoperative, refractive results and to evaluate effectiveness of the applied surgical procedure in calculating optical power of the IOL with formula of IVth generation- Barrett Universal II.Material and methods: The study is retrospective and was performed for a period of 2 years(2018-2020y) in clinic of Ophthalmology MMA-Sofia. We used clinical, surgical and statistical methods of the study. A complete ophthalmological examination was performed in the clinical methods. Surgical methods include performing uncomplicated phacoemulsification with intracapsular implantation of the IOL in all patients. Statistical analysis of the data was processed with IBM SPSS v.19. Statistics. Results: The effectiveness of the applied surgical procedure is determined by the implementation of the intended postoperative result(Target) and achieved postoperative uncorection visual acuity(UCDVA). A month after the operation in 49 eyes (85,1%) is registered UCDVA>0,8, which is a very good postoperative result. Conclusion: The results show slightly better postoperative visual acuity in patients with toric implants compared to spherical implants. As regards to accuracy of the formula which is used for eyes with different axial length, our results confirm other studies and shows that BU-II formula is most correct for emmetropic eyes, less accurate for hypermetropic eyes and least for myopic eyes.
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Cataract, Barrett Universal II formula, intraocular lenses
How to cite this article:
Т. Kirova, A. Kalaydzhiev, L. Voynov. Refractive results after cataract surgery in patients calculated with Barrett Universal II formula. Journal of Endourology and Minimally Invasive Surgery 2021; 9 (1): 67-72
Corresponding author:
Dr. Tanislava Kirova
Military Medical Academy of Sofia Department of “Ophtalmology, Otorhinolaryngology and Oral Surgery” Clinic of Ophthalmology
Sofia 1606, 3 “Georgi Sofiiski” blvd., Bulgaria
E-mail: tanislava.kirova@gmail.com Тel.: +359 878 89 1010