Volume 10, Issue 1
Original Article / Published: July 2022
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.57045/jemis/1010722.pp43-46
Clinic of Liver-Bile, Pancreatic and General Surgery; Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital Sofia EAD, Sofia
Introduction and objective: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers and a cause of death globally. Frequent infiltration of the tumor into neighbouring organs (pancreas and/or duodenum) requires curative, multivisceral resections. Achieving clean resection lines is essential for the prognosis in patients with locally advanced disease. The objective of this study is to analyze the perioperative results in a group of 18 patients with different anatomical resections of the pancreas in the course of multivisceral resections in an attempt to achieve surgical radicalism.
Material and methods: Patients in the study group were assessed for perioperative morbidity, mortality, and survival and stratified according to the need and type of multivisceral resection. Cases of partial resections of the gland are excluded from the study. Statistical methods were used to analyze the perioperative results
Results: In the study group, the male / female ratio was 77.8% to 22.2%. The average age is 63.1 years. The average hospital stay is 10.5 days. Perioperative mortality is 5.5% (1 case). Complications were observed in 7 cases (38.8%). Pancreatic leakage was registered in 4 cases (22.2%).
Conclusion: Multivisceral resection is associated with higher perioperative morbidity and slightly higher perioperative mortality. Patients who are expected to undergo this type of surgical treatment should be selected with extreme caution, as long-term survival remains poor.
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Multivisceral resection, advanced gastric cancer, pancreas
How to cite this article:
El-Tal L. Anatomical resections of the pancreas in locally advanced stomach cancer. Journal of Endourology and Minimally Invasive Surgery (Bulgaria), 2022; 10(1):43-46
Corresponding author:
Dr. Luben El-Tal
Clinic of liver and pancreatic and general surgery
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital, Sofia
Address: Bul. ”N. Vaptsarov” 51B, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: luben.eltal @ gmail.com