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Future Perspectives: A Literature Review of the Urologist’s New Potential Tool-Artificial Intelligence

Volume 11, Issue 1

Original Article / Published: November 2023


K. Krastev, N. Tsvetkov, N. Stoyanov, K. Ibrahimov, K. Davidov

Clinic of Urology, UMBAL SofiaMed, Sofia


Introduction: The overview aims to present the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the decision-making process, diagnosis, treatment possibilities, or outcome predictions in functional urology.

Terminology: Artificial intelligence in healthcare includes computer systems that use reasoning and learning to analyze complex medical data and make predictions. Machine learning focuses on training computers with data to improve performance over time, especially in the case of processing medical information. Deep learning uses complex neural networks, inspired by the functional structure of the human brain, to extract information from medical data, improving the accuracy of diagnoses and speeding up investigations. Current AI Applications in Urology: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial neural networks (ANN) in urological practice as a branch of medicine represents a promising potential for improving various aspects of patient care, diagnosis, surgical approaches with subsequent procedures resulting from rational and quick decision-making in the management of urological diseases (urolithiasis, BPH, oncology). AI technologies provide the opportunity to analyze large volumes of complex data, assist in clinical decision-making, optimize treatment strategies, and improve patient outcomes.

Conclusion: The future and potential prospects of artificial intelligence as an auxiliary tool are significant, and the complete transition to them is still ahead. The field of AI support in urology is rapidly evolving, with continuous research and development focused on increasing the accuracy of diagnostic tools, refining surgical techniques, and improving treatment optimization. Continued research and clinical trials will be crucial for validating the effectiveness of AI and directing their integration into everyday urological practice.


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Volume 11, Issue 1


Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning. Machine Learning, Urology, Surgery.

How to cite this article:

K. Krastev, N. Tsvetkov, N. Stoyanov, K. Ibrahimov, K. Davidov. Future Perspectives: A Literature Review of the Urologist’s New Potential Tool – Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Endourology and Minimally Invasive Surgery (Bulgaria), 2023; 11(1): 5-10

Corresponding author:

Dr. Kristiyan Krastev
Clinic of Urology UMBAL “SofiaMed”, Sofia